Matinee Subway Scene Relight

I've been seeing some brilliant lighting artists on the platform re-light some of Epic's community released environments. This inspired me to take a whack at it myself. I will be doing more of these, they're too much fun and a great excercise.

This is Epic Games UE4 Matinee Subway scene. All assets were created by Epic Games, I am only responsible for re-lighting the scene and some small set dressing changes. I've always been a fan of the matrix trilogy and took a lot of reference when lighting this scene. I also love working with complementary colors and chose to add some red to the scene as it adds to the mood I am attempting to create, which is a place you really don't want to find yourself in late at night. You can see the original lighting in the bottom 2 renders.

Original scene created by Epic Games.

Original scene created by Epic Games.

Original scene created by Epic Games.

Original scene created by Epic Games.